Counseling is an important component of the educational system and vital for preparing and assisting students to be successful lifelong learners.

School psychologists, school social workers, nurses, and child welfare and attendance supervisors, can help students manage emotions, cope with crises, overcome barriers to learning, and make decisions regarding their future. They help students set short- and long-term goals, reduce and resolve conflicts, encourage attendance, and can help prevent youth suicide. It’s important to support and encourage these programs because we all make a difference.

Some factors that contribute to mental health are difficult to control, such as facing socio-economic hardships, dealing with trauma, alienation, or coping with biological factors such as chemical imbalances, but there are some actions we can take to improve emotional, psychological, and social well-being, such as education.

Research shows that education can improve mental health by broadening intellectual, social, and emotional horizons. It can expand knowledge, further goals, and help build better-coping mechanisms. One way to engage in all these activities is through learning and education. Studies of the relationship between education and mental health have shown that higher levels of education can also help graduates gain important structural and economic advantages by providing a sense of accomplishment. Regardless of the education, creative to academic to athletic, education helps us discover meaningful activities that can bring joy and a great sense of accomplishment.

At Resolutions Therapy Practice, we're excited to offer therapeutic services within several schools in the Boone County School System. This innovative approach provides an excellent opportunity for children who need support but face scheduling challenges or primarily experience difficulties in the school environment.

Our school-based services in Boone County are ideal for families who:

  • Have a child enrolled in the Boone County School System

  • Are addressing mild to moderate behavioral or emotional concerns

  • Notice that their child's problem behaviors primarily occur at school

  • Desire collaboration between their child's therapist and school staff (teachers, counselors)

  • Have children involved in extracurricular activities or face scheduling difficulties after school hours

While our school-based services are beneficial for many, they may not be the best fit if:

  • Your child is experiencing severe emotional or behavioral challenges

  • Your child's behavior at school is not a primary concern

  • Your child would benefit more from longer, more intensive therapy sessions

For families in these situations, we recommend exploring our comprehensive in-office or telehealth services, which offer more flexibility and intensive support.

If you, or someone you love, is struggling in school, or seeking more educational opportunities, our team at Resolutions Therapy may be able to help. CONTACT US to learn more.


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